Kim Sloane



BORN: MAY 21 1955



1991-1993 Parsons School of Design, New York, NY; Master of Fine Arts, Painting 

1974-1977 Yale University, New Haven, CT; BA, Scholar of the House, Graduated with Distinction 

1976 Yale Summer School of Music and Art, Norfolk, CT



1991-1992 Helena Rubenstein Foundation Scholarship

1992    The Ingram Merrill Foundation Award

2002    Mikhail and Ekateryna Shatalov Prize and the Samuel F. B. Morse Medal

2002    177th Annual Invitational Exhibition of the National Academy of Design Museum, New York, NY

2008    Mikhail and Ekateryna Shatalov Prize 183 Annual Invitational

2008    Exhibition, National Academy of Design Museum, New York, NY



2018    Beasts of Brooklyn,Green Door Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2015    KLEE - Underdonk Gallery, Brooklyn NY

2014    Source Material, Queens College Art Center, NY

2013    Paperazzi, Janet Kurnatowski, Brooklyn, NY

2012   Elements of Art, Thompson Giroux Gallery, Chatham, NY

2012   The Mysteries of Love and Life, Thompson Giroux Gallery, Chatham, NY

2012    Kim Sloane Painting, M55 Gallery, Long Island City, NY

2012    mic check, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2011    Seven New York Painters,Brik Gallery, Catskill, NY

2011    It’s All Good, Apocalypse Now, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2011    10th Anniversary Silent Auction, Brooklyn Rail, Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY

2009    It’s a Wonderful Life, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2008    183rd Annual Invitational Exhibition, National Academy of Design Museum, New York

2008    Brooklyn Rail Auction, Pace Wildenstein, New York, NY

2006    Three Painters, Hopper House, Nyack, NY

2005    Kim Sloane-Recent Work, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA

2005    Crossing Disciplines: Drawing, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

2005    The Body and Dangers, Painting Center, 52 Greene Street, NY

2004    All Terrain, RKL Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2004    Three-artist exhibition, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT 

2004    The Contemporary New Jersey Landscape, Farleigh Dickinson University, NJ 

2002    Kim Sloane / David Paulsen, Works on Paper, Maurice Arlos Fine Arts, New York, NY

2002    The 177th Annual: An Invitational Exhibition, National Academy of Design, 

2001    Kim Sloane- Drawings, The Painting Center, NY

2001    Foundation Faculty Exhibition, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

2001    Kim Sloane: Drawing, Studio Art Exhibition Program, Dartmouth College 

1999    Kinds of Drawing, Belk Gallery Western Carolina University

1999    Kim Sloane, Painting Center, 52 Greene Street New York, Project Room 

1998    Drawing Plus One, New York Studio School, New York, NY

1997    PSA Art Showcase, Public Securities Administration New York, NY

1997    Bowery Gallery Juried Show, NY, NY, juror William Bailey 

1996    Artists Select Artists, Trenton City Museum, Trenton, NJ

1995    The Avocet Portfolio, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY 

1995    The Contemporary Landscape, Blair Academy, Blairstown, NJ

1994    Local Diversity, Sussex County Community College, Newton, NJ 

1994    Landscape - A.J. Lederman Fine Arts, Hoboken, NJ

1993    Skylands Region, Contemporary Visions, SCCC, Newton NJ 

1998    Comfort Gallery, Haverford PA

1990    Invitational Prince Street Gallery, New York, NY

1985    New York Studio School, New York, NY “Five Artists” 

1984    Ballard Mill Art Center, Malone, NY

1979    South Street Seaport, New York, NY, Nieuw Amsterdam



“Seven Painters” Brooklyn Rail, July 2011 

The Allentown Chronicle - 2005

The Philadelphia Inquirer, Victoria Donahoe, March 1998 

Newark Star Ledger, Eileen Watkins, October 1994



1990    Art Awareness, Lexington, NY, Avocet Print Shop



2015    MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art- Foundation Drawing Workshop for Faculty 

2014    MICA, Maryland Institute College of Art- Foundation Drawing Workshop for Faculty 



1990    Parsons MFA Painting, Landscape Session, Visiting Lecturer 

1999    Visiting Artist, Haverford College



2016    Program Review- Otis College of Art and Design, Foundation Program 



1993    Adjunct Professor, Sussex County Community College 

1993 - 1996    Adjunct Professor Cedar Crest College

1996 - 2000    Assistant Professor of Art, Cedar Crest College, Allentown PA 

1996 - 2000    Director of College Galleries, Cedar Crest College

1999 - 2000    Pratt Institute, Visiting Assistant Professor, Foundation Drawing 

2000 - 2003    Assistant Professor of Art, Cedar Crest College, Allentown PA

2000 - 2003    Pratt Institute, Visiting Assistant Professor, Foundation Drawing 

2000 - 2003    New York Studio School, Drawing Summer 2002, Drawing at the Museum

2003 - 2008    Adjunct Associate Professor, Pratt Institute

2003 - 2008    Assistant Professor of Art, Cedar Crest College, Allentown PA

2009 - 2012    Assistant Chair, Foundation Art, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

2009 - 2012    Associate Professor Pratt Institute

2012 - 2018    Acting Chair Foundation Pratt Institute

2018 - 2019    Sabbatical - return as Associate Professor Foundation



2011    FATE: Foundations in Art, Theory, and Education, St. Louis: Session Chair,

2011    “Capstone Experience in Foundation”

2011    Think Tank 6, Athens, GA

2012    Think Tank 7, SAIC, Chicago, Ill.

2013    FATE: Foundations in Art, Theory, and Education, Savannah, GA: Session Chair, “The Case for Drawing in the 21st Century”

2014    Panelist, “Drawing to Learn” Thinking through Drawing Conference at Columbia University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art October 24-26, 2013

2015    FATE: Foundations in Art, Theory, and Education, Indianapolis, IA: Session Chair, "The Radical Curriculum"

2015    “Remix” – Symposium at Columbia Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, NY Presenter – “Drawing and Teaching for Cognitive Development”

2015    Thinking through Drawing Conference, London, England -"We All Draw" Master Class

2017    FATE: Foundations in Art, Theory, and Education, Kansas City, MO: Session Chair - Chair of Panel 

2017    AICAD Student Success Conference, Pratt Institute Brooklyn, Chair, Panel Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning as Outcomes in the Foundation Classroom



2007    “In Search of the Spirit of the “Ecorche of Michelangelo”; a Painter’s Journey”, delivered at the New York Studio School, November 6, 2007, Pratt Institute, April 14, 2008

1997    NAP, New Arts Project Television, Guest Host, Panel Discussion, Mallarme and the Visual Arts

1998    Presenter, Art-Link: A Symposium on Education and the Arts, Allentown Museum of Art

1999    Lecture, Allentown Museum of Art, The Ambition of Impressionism