January 20 - March 22, 2018
Katrina Hude
Harmonic Cognizance
Artist Reception Saturday January 20th 4-6pm
Katrina Hude_BR_
Harmonic Cognizance

Katrina Hude

Harmonic Cognizance

January 20, 2018 - March 25, 2018

Opening Reception Saturday, January 20th from 4-6pm
Katrina Hude has shown work with Thompson Giroux for some time now, Harmonic Cognizance is her first solo show with the Gallery.

Pattern studies and visual arrangements are my sanctuary. The investigation of harmony in pattern is the study of nature and of our sentient needs.

We are bound by our natural composition, namely, waves and particles of which matter is manifested. We transfer information to communicate with one another magnetically, by impulses.  This assemblage of objects is a process of discovery, of reaching out, of finding 
 the common denominator to facilitate dialogue and introspection that gives life meaning. We humans are more similar to one another than we are unique. We seek meaning. Oftentimes, answers are unavailable, so we will share in the journey of discovering.

The artist's formal training is as a sculptor and a glassmaker. In service to her desire for dialogue, she creates symbols and gestures. Following this thread, Hude carries the theme of nurture, generosity and compassion throughout her practices. The process and purpose of these works is to allow ample room for introspection, curiosity, learning, failing and beginning again. Time is a significant component of her work; an open-ended commitment that propels her forward.

Thompson Giroux Gallery
57 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037