May 12 - June 24, 2018
Adam Brent
Heroic Faces
Artist Reception Saturday May 12th 4-6pm
Adam Brent

Adam Brent: Heroic Faces
May 12, 2018 - June 24, 2018
Opening reception Saturday May 12th from 4-6pm

Adam Brent creates sculptures and paintings that fuse together new techniques with familiar forms to create something entirely new.  “Heroic Faces” and the accompanying works employ colors and patterns inspired by mid 20th century classic porcelain figurines and a palette derived from a range of every day linoleum tile. Colors bleed together and penetrate through the plastic forms with sheen and a disco ball like refraction.  The viewer will be impacted by the simultaneously buoyant and seemingly deflated objects, while also mining the notions of loneliness, self doubt, unfulfilled purpose and broad new possibilities.  These expressive and meticulously crafted sculptures encourage us to look for meaning in entirely new forms and bodies unknown to the world.


On view May 12, 2018 – June 24, 2018

Please join us Saturday May 12th from 4-6pm for refreshments and live music by Josh Connors & Otto Gardner.

For more information please visit or call 518-392-3336.


Thompson Giroux Gallery is located at 57 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037

image credit: Adam BrentHeroic Faces, 2018, Wood, plastic, paint, ceramic, linoleum tile, resin, 58” x 19” x 21”

all images copyright of the artist