August 11 - September 16, 2018
Undiscovered Country

Marie-Claude Giroux
Jim Holl
Arthur Sordillo
Reception Saturday August 11th 4-6pm
Marie-Claude Girou




Undiscovered Country
Marie-Claude Giroux
Jim Holl
Arthur Sordillo

 August 11, 2018 - September 16, 2018

Opening Reception Saturday August 11th from 4-6pm

Undiscovered Country at Thompson Giroux Gallery features the work of artists Marie-Claude Giroux, Jim Holl and Arthur Sordillo.

These artists share an interest in the inner workings of their own imagination, their wonder and wisdom. The study of the self and the impermanence of the human experience is a theme that runs between them.

Arthur Sordillo’s careful constructions allow us entry into his world. By using a vocabulary of icons and symbols arranged in a dream like suspension the viewer is invited to uncover their own connections and understanding of how culture molds and affects our life experience.

Jim Holl's paintings use color and line to evoke the age-old mystery of life as a journey of self discovery. These poetic works flow with a sense of life's meandering path and the infinite space that connects us all.

Marie-Claude Giroux’s interest in the impermanent aspects of emotion and the fluid nature of feelings is communicated through texture and line, offering the viewer a look into the energetic complexity of the emotional body.

Please join us Saturday August 11th from 4-6pm for refreshments and live music by Josh Connors.

August 11, 2018 - September 16, 2018

Thompson Giroux Gallery is located at 57 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037.