December 17, 2011 - January 30, 2012
State of Mind
The Thompson Giroux Gallery is pleased to present State of Mind, an exhibition highlighting the temporal nature of identity as influenced by place, beliefs, travel, and by questioning the nature of reality. Through diverse approaches five contemporary artists share the mood of the moment as it alters or illuminates our own understanding of self and the world around us. Wayne Coe refers to the confluence of reality with fantasy, using bold and direct commentary on media and its effect on our perceptions of the world. Donna Moylan creates hauntingly beautiful parallel worlds. Her artwork speaks of the mystery in metamorphosis and transformation. A sense of travel and possibility exist within worlds as incomprehensible as they are familiar. Asya Resnikov asks the viewer to reconsider how culture and a sense of place can inform our own sense of identity. Her photographs are not altered or applied images but “relocations” suggesting integration and connectedness between cultures. Arthur Sordillo's carefully constructed hand cut paper and plexi-glass works are skill full collaborations between what is and what could be. Mixed media constructions of a burning building, a phoenix, and icy jewels all simply and elegantly depicting the potential of a moment distilled into color and form and captured in space. The sculpture of Jim Travers most acutely referencing transition from one state of mind to another, via physical manipulation of abandoned car parts brought to life again in abstract form. In the process reflecting his own personal journey to bring “qualitative improvements to what is seen elsewhere.”